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Dots V.S. Bots

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This is my game, Dots V.S. Bots



⚠️Double click the flag before you start the game, and when you are starting over.⚠️ The game gets harder as you go along. This is the CONEST(EASY) version. Regular Hard Version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/781640994/


Move- WASD keys. Aim shots- mouse Shoot- Space bar OR click Ultra Beam- no longer exists ⚠️ Click Q to use power, but only when ready. Free Med Kits- No Longer Exist ⚠️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue bot will appear not to long after the game starts. They do 2 damage if they hit you and score 2 points if you destroy them with your laser Ten seconds after the blue bot appears, asteroids will come raining from the side. They will explode if they hit something. They will do 1-5 damage if they hit you. Destroy them with your laser. You get no points for destroying them, though. ⚠️THERE MOVEMENT IS GLITCHY USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE⚠️ Following the asteroids, spikes will randomly pop up, grow, and go away. They will do 2-8 damage, and hide if you hit them with your body. Your laser does nothing to them. At 350 points, a cannon will appear after a few seconds, shoot twice, and the disappear. Once you get to 400 points, a fire ball will appear, moving and growing. Hit it with your laser to shrink it, and score a tiny bit of points. (Like 0.2 points.) A coin will score you 1-5 points if you hit it with your body A med kit will heal 10 health ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click the arrows at the starting page to change the skin(And background.) Each character has their own background, and power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Scratch Cat- Claws(My best drawing, anyways) Come out for a few seconds and kill enemies that hit it, except for the fire and the spikes. Short recharge time. Blue Dot- A net comes out for six seconds, and try to stay in it, because if you do, you earn points for free! The enemies no longer are killed by the net. Sun Dot- ⚠️NO LONGER EXISTS⚠️ Unicorn- Rainbow path comes out for a short time, and try to stay on it, because if you do, you gain 1 health for every 0.5 seconds that you are on it. Dark Ninja- Swords rotate around you, and kill anything, except for the fire, that hits it. Long recharge time. Samurai- You turn invisible, and can still shoot, and can still get hurt. BUT, the robots can't see you and move in random directions, confused. (Or cornfused... lol) Explorer: Four logs appear, one after one, grow, and explode. If any enemies hit the log, except for the fire vortex, it is destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every character has prices, you don't have to spend the points, but you have to reach that amount to use the character. The back button at the bottom of the screen brings you back to the main screen Enjoy the game!